Olive oil .. Protect against strokes and heart attacks

زيت الزيتون.. يقي من السكتات الدماغية والنوبات القلبية

Eating for the elderly meals rich in olive oil by adding a positive impact by reducing the seriousness of their risk of heart stroke (stroke). This is the latest made by French researchers regarding the prevention of these serious brain injuries. According to what was published on 15 June, the current issue of the journal «Neurology» Neurology on pediatric neurology, the researchers from the University of Bordeaux, the French and «National Foundation French Health and Medical Research» INSERM follow the pattern of feeding at more than 7,600 people of both sexes, who over the age of 65 years, living in three French cities, mainly, within what is known scientifically to «study of the three cities».The study of the three cities «is one of the great French medical studies and continuous, looking mainly on the subject of the effects of diseases of the arteries to the risk of dementia Boukrv dementia in the elderly».
Commented Dr. Cecilia Samara, a researcher in the study from the University of Bordeaux, on the subjects of the study, that the «high rates for episodes of stroke in older people poses the need to search for a way useful for primary prevention and prevention of advanced people in this age group». It is known that primary prevention primary prevention medical term is intended to protect healthy people from getting sick. While intended to prevent developed secondary prevention and protection of persons who have suffered from heart disease in the past, the return of a repeat injury other than a heart.
Were classified study participants into three categories, the category of not eating olive oil, and they are 23 per cent. The category of intake to a moderate, 40 per cent. The category of drinkers and olive oil frequently, 37 per cent. Compared with the category of not eating olive oil, the researchers noted that Mtnaoulih quantities of medium or many, they were less older and have the lowest percentage in the risk factors of stroke, less weight and less in the proportion of triglycerides TG blood and cholesterol heavy Hamid HDL blood .. They were also more eager to physical exercise regularly and to eat fish, fruits, vegetables, and fish oil omega - 3 omega - 3.
After a follow-up for more than 5 years, stroke occurred in 115 people from the first category, and 28 people from the second category, and 5 people from the third category. In other words, although the first category were fewer in number than the beginning, the number of cases where more than 20 times the number of casualties in the third category of drinkers olive oil in abundance. Which suffices researchers and Torgomoh words in numbers: a drop of 42 per cent in the risk of stroke in the category of Almktherin intake of olive oil.

Dr. Samara said: «The study showed in their results that there is a strong relationship between a focus on olive oil intensive intensive olive oil use, according to the plan, and a decrease in injuries of heart stroke. Our study suggests eating olive oil and food unique way to prevent infection in older heart stroke ».
Commented Dr. Nicholas Scarmes, Medical Center of Columbia University in New York, said: «It is noticeable in the scientific community is interested in the very recent research in the role of nutrition system the Mediterranean in the incidence of various kinds of diseases of the nervous system, such as Alzheimer's disease and low thinking abilities of mental disease and Parkinson's nervous system, seizures, stroke and other ».
And add this study to those previously presented on various occasions page «health» «Middle East», within the package evidence of scientific positive roles for the olive oil in the health of the arteries of the heart and arteries of the brain and reduce weight, reduce cholesterol levels heavy LDL and triglycerides and other aspects of the heart and the brain. It paid doctors to the attention of the people to attention the need to start eating olive oil and used as a substitute for industrially hydrogenated vegetable oils and also as an alternative to animal fat derived from fat. And hard of extrapolation to the entire scientific medical studies, he raised olive oil on the table for serious scientific and accurate, however, and proved to be highly useful.