The certain benefits that child get after playing

It’s true that education is like a building block for a child’s future. All parents dream for a better career for their child’s life. Everybody wants their child to be doctor, engineer and wants to see them in high posts. In this cut throat competition children get pressurize with their activities to the extent that they don’t get spare time for their own entertainment. Teachers also keep the child busy during the holidays by giving them assignments and homework.
Earlier children used to play with their siblings. So, the children easily got a play environment at the home. However, now the time spent by children in playing was very less as compared to the past two decades. Parents should understand that play is an important activity and they should not deprive their child from this opportunity. 

Group games allow children to learn the values of team spirit. It also teaches them to cooperate with other members of the team and develop self discipline. This also enables them to face negative situation in life and make them strong when they get defeated. Many studies have proved that children playing games which have lots of violence are likely to be more short tempered and aggressive. 

It is the duty of the parents to find out whether the child knows the difference between fantasy and reality. When this problem is not uprooted in the initial stages then it can take very ugly turn in child’s life and they will start presuming that real life is also like the games which they play. It will have a negative impact on children mind because inappropriate games will impart wrong set of values in them. Through play children develop essential life skills; they also learn how to interact with their peers and adults. It is through play that children develop essential life skills; they learn how to interact with their peers and with adults. 

There are certain benefits that child get after playing. These benefits are given below: 

1. Reduces fear, anxiety, stress, irritability 

2. Creates joy, intimacy, self-esteem and mastery not based on other's loss of esteem 

3. Improves emotional flexibility and openness 

4. Increases calmness, resilience and adaptability and ability to deal with surprise and change 

5. Decreases tactile defensiveness 

6. Healing process for hurts 

7. Enhances feelings of acceptance of difference 

8. Increases empathy, compassion, and sharing 

9. Creates options and choices 

10. Models relationships based on inclusion rather than exclusion 

11. Alternative to aggressor-victim model of relationships 

12. Decreases revenge and need for self defense 

13. Improves touch and nonverbal socialization skills 

14. Increases attention and attachment capacities 

15. Positive emotions increase the efficiency of immune, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems 

16. Decreases stress, fatigue, injury, and depression 

17. Integrates sensor motor, kinesthetic and emotional responses 

In conclusion every child should be allowed to play as they learn so many skills from playing, and from defeating. Play is essential for every child’s development as it make them well balanced grown up and prepare with all the essential life skills needed.