Why in some situations that occur to us we feel as if it was by thedetail?


Why do I feel I have lived this situation before? (What Aldeja Fu)?

This phenomenon is called the Deja Vu, the first of thecharacterization of this phenomenon is a researcher in psychologyBoirak Emily French, and most people return to the dream of this phenomenon has not understood it already in your sleep you did not know her tits.

But the most powerful scientific explanations is a defect temporarymemory makes you feel as though this position has already beenbefore so that the recall it from memory, note that you areexperiencing for the first time, which may occur due to faultycoordination between the cache memory and permanent memory, therefore, scientific details need not be mentioned, just said:people say a dream, science says flaw in the coordination oftemporary and permanent memory, which makes you feel like you've seen this situation before
And you did not do.